It's okay. You can treat Kemba Credit Union like a bank. In fact, it makes perfect sense.

That's because Kemba provides all of the services, products and resources of a bank. So you can save with us, borrow from us, invest through us. All with the same sense of security and stability you expect from a financial institution.

But the reason to come to Kemba isn't because of the things we do like a bank, it's because of the things we do differently:

  • Like listening and getting to know you.
  • Like making member connections personal rather than merely transactional.
  • Like offering higher rates on savings and lower rates on loans.
  • Like considering small a virtue and local a benefit.

Join Kemba Credit Union. Because you deserve more than banking.

Membership Eligibility

Kemba membership is available through many avenues. With a membership charter serving Southwestern Ohio and the Tri-State area, almost everyone is eligible to join.

Kroger Plus Card Holders:

Anyone who lives in the Greater Cincinnati area and holds a Kroger Plus Card can now join Kemba. If your local Kroger store is in Northern Kentucky or Southeast Indiana, you're eligible for Kemba membership! Stop by your local branch with your Kroger Plus Card and sign up today for all the benefits Kemba has to offer.

Our Company Partners:

If you work for any of the 600 eligible companies, you're eligible!

Ohio Counties:

If you live, work, worship or attend school in one of the following counties, you're eligible:

  • Adams
  • Brown
  • Butler
  • Clark
  • Clermont
  • Clinton
  • Darke
  • Fayette
  • Greene
  • Hamilton
  • Highland
  • Miami
  • Montgomery
  • Preble
  • Warren

Kentucky Counties:

If you live, work, worship or attend school in one of the following counties, you're eligible:

  • Boone
  • Campbell
  • Carroll
  • Gallatin
  • Grant
  • Kenton
  • Owen
  • Pendleton

Indiana Counties:

If you live or work in one of the following counties, you're eligible:

  • Dearborn
  • Fayette
  • Franklin
  • Union
  • Wayne
  • Wells*

*The Kemba branch in this county does not have public access at this time.

Immediate Family Members:

  • You are also eligible to join if one of your immediate family members is a member of Kemba.

Once a Member, Always a Member!

Even if you move or change jobs, as long as you keep your $5 minimum balance in your savings account, you will always be a member. Payroll deduction/direct deposit and other automated procedures can still be achieved with ease! Simply contact us and a Kemba member service representative will walk you through the process.

Our Company Partners

If you work for any of the more than 600 companies in the Greater Cincinnati area, you are eligible. Ask your employer today if they offer Kemba Credit Union as a benefit.

Get Started